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UNIT:  The Legislative Branch:  Congress of the United States

Objectives:  Students will be able to:

1.     Describe the structure and function of the two houses of Congress by creating diagram.

2.     Evaluate the importance of the Power of Congress.

3.     Describe how bills are made.

4.     Understand the impact of immigration laws on groups of people.

5.     Apply their knowledge of Congress to a DBQ essay.

G1.  Activity:  Create a diagram that shows how Congress is organized.  Compare and contrast the two houses.

Magruder’s, Chapter 10, pages 262-279, Civics, pages 173 – 189


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G2.  Create a list of the Powers of Congress. (Mgruder’s Chapter 11, p. 288)    Evaluate their importance in terms of how they affect people’s lives.  Select the three powers that you think are the most important.  Describe the power in more detail and give your reasons as to why you think they are the most important.


Teacher’s Signature
G3.  Find a diagram that shows how bills become laws.  Using the diagram as a reference, write a description of the process.


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G4.  Read, summarize, and give your opinion about an UPFRONT article on Immigration.


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G5.  Read Magruder’s pages 301-302 to learn about how Congress deals with Immigration and Naturalization.  Take notes on what you have read.  Then complete the ASSESSMENT.






SEE June 2002 Regents Exam…DBQ on Immigration, page 12.

***Reminder…you should demonstrate your knowledge about Congress.  This will be considered the “outside” information.

Historical Context:

United States immigration policy has changed over time to reflect the needs and attitudes of American Society.

Task:  Using information from the documents and your knowledge of United States History, answer the questions that follow each document in Part A.  Your answers will help you write the Part B essay>

·         Discuss immigration policies or actions taken by the United States government that affected the immigration of the people to the United States.

·         Show how these policies or actions reflected the needs and attitudes of American society at the time.

Part B:  Historical Context:

United States immigration policy has changed over time to reflect the needs and attitudes of American Society.

Task:  Using information from the documents and your knowledge of United States History, answer the questions that follow each document in Part A.  Your answers will help you write the Part B essay

·         Discuss immigration policies or actions taken by the United States government that affected the immigration of the people to the United States.

·         Show how these policies or actions reflected the needs and attitudes of American society at the time.


·         Address all aspects of the Task by accurately analyzing and interpreting at least four documents

·         Incorporate information from the documents in the body of the text

·         Incorporate relevant outside information

·         Support the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details.








Information is very organized with well-constructed paragraphs and subheadings. All paragraphs include introductory sentence, explanations or details, and concluding sentence.

Information is organized with well-constructed paragraphs. Most paragraphs include introductory sentence, explanations or details, and concluding sentence.

Information is organized; paragraphs included related information but were typically not constructed well.

The information appears to be disorganized. Paragraphing structure was not clear and sentences were not typically related within the paragraphs.

Quality of Information

Information clearly relates to the main topic. All topics are addressed and all questions answered. It includes several supporting details and/or examples.

All topics are addressed and most questions answered. Information clearly relates to the main topic. It provides 1-2 supporting details and/or examples.

All topics are addressed, and most questions contain information clearly related to the main topic. No details and/or examples are given.

One or more topics were not addressed. Information has little or nothing to do with the main topic.


No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.

Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors

A few grammatical  spelling or punctuation errors.

Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.


All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented in the desired format.

All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented, but a few are not in the desired format.

All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented, but many are not in the desired format.

Some sources are not accurately documented.