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Compare and Contrast the Power of Congress with the Power of the President:


The Power of the President


The President is the nation’s chief executive officer. (Article II states that “The Executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America” and that the President “shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” 1) Enforcing the laws passed by Congress is a chief duty of the President. Article II, Sections 2 and 3 state additional powers given to the President by the people. These include serving as Commander in Chief of the armed forces, nominating Supreme Court Justices, and reporting to Congress about the state of the Union.

In addition to powers listed in the Constitution, the President is said to have “inherent powers” which go along with his role as Chief Executive. People sometimes disagree about what these powers are. Throughout American history, the office of President has been shaped by tradition as well as the Constitution.


The Powers  of  Congress




1)      Fiscal Power: The Congress is responsible for levying and collecting taxes. This money is used to pay our country's debts and to provide for the defense and well-being of our nation. Congress controls borrowing money and coining and printing currency. They also establish standards for weights and measures and punish counterfeiters.

2) Trade Regulation: 
The Congress holds the power to regulate foreign and interstate trade. However, they cannot make a law, which would give an advantage in trade between two or more states.

3) Military Power:  The Congress is responsible for defending our country by establishing a military force. The organization, arming, establishment of military laws - and seeing that military laws are enforced, belongs to Congress. Military power is shared with the president who is considered the Commander in Chief. However, the power to declare war is granted to the Congress.

4) Other Powers:  
Congress is also responsible for establishing rules for citizenship in the United States. They are required to maintain a post office, make laws for copyrights and patents, and govern the District of Columbia. The Constitution also granted the power to establish our federal court system to the Congress.